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Services provided outside the castle

Services provided by the Pécsvárad Adventure Castle are available for your enjoyment outside the thousand year old walls, too! We are willing to deliver our gastronomic services and programmes to you!

  • Buffet service at various events
    Food and beverages, offered in our own tent with all the necessary equipment; for village festivals and celebrations.
  • Catering
    Providing food and drinks for events, delivered on the scene, with personnel.
  • Programmes for children
    Amusement programmes, playful activities, handicraft for various age-groups.
  • Team building
    Trying your skills and abilities in team-building sessions, exercises and manual activities for adults.

Please ask for a special quote!



7720 Pécsvárad, Vár u. 45.
Phone: +36 72 671 235
Mobile: +36 30 387 8435

